Thursday, May 01, 2008

Mid-Day Biking Holiday

May is bike month in Sacramento, and Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates encourages you to bike to work.

What better way to celebrate than to skip work for a bike ride?

Somewhere between 50 and 100 cyclists, by my count, joined SABA in a lunchtime ride from the State Capitol through midtown, via the new bike lanes on either side of 19th Street. The pace was leisurely, and our presence was impressive! We had the air of a well-behaved Critical Mass rally.

I could have spent hours admiring the broad range of bikes that turned out. Expensive road bikes, retro fixies, fancy single speeds, folding bikes, recumbents, kids on single speed BMXers with sagging chains-- we had all types of two-wheelers in all types of conditions.

Surprisingly, the reaction from the motorists who might have been inconvenienced by our mass presence was overall positive. Only one asshole attempted to pass us through a left turn. And by contrast, many autos rolled down windows to enquire as to the occasion for our ride, and we got lots of supportive honks and huzzahs! Here's hoping Sacramento develops its pro-bicycle trend!

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